
【想降膽固醇?食呢4款食物啦 (含餐單*) --- BBC節目 + 醫生親身測試成功降膽固醇42%】

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BBC的這個節目來到第三季了,上星期四在明珠台播出的第2集 (今晚9:35會播第3集呀),就由本身膽固醇超標的醫生兼主持人Doctor Mosley,試食由Professor Jenkins於2003年設計的降膽固醇餐單 (Portfolio Diet)。該餐單包括:
Doctor Mosley

  • 果仁
  • 水溶性纖維
  • 每日食15-25克的大豆類食物
  • 植物固醇 (主要是吃添加了植物固醇的乳酪)美國心臟協會不建議孕婦或正餵乳的媽媽食用植物固醇

而Doctor Mosley 則把餐單稍為改成:
  • 每日食60克杏仁 + 75克燕麥 + 2-3克植物固醇


Group A:每日額外進食 75g 燕麥
Group B:每日額外進食 65g 杏仁
Group C:每日減少進食膽固醇食物,並以植物脂肪取代動物脂肪 + 戒食雞蛋和紅肉

8星期後,成績最好的是Group C,LDL平均降低了13%;Group A成績亦很不俗,膽固醇減了10%;惟Group B的膽固醇數值卻沒太大的變化。

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor III (醫生話你知 第3季)
播映日期︰由2016年6月30日 (第1集) 起~~
逢星期四晚 9:35p.m 明珠台

***Kay日本及德國健康食品代購 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1560377917612654/

***想睇更多健康食譜 & 減磅貼士,請到:

以下為Kay在BBC網上節錄的additional information~ 也給大家參考參考~ *如有疑問,請向醫生查詢。

Is the Portfolio Diet Right for You?

"If your goal is cholesterol reduction, this is a very adequate plan," Milani says. "If your goal is weight reduction, this may not be it. If your goal is reducing your risk of heart attack, the Mediterranean diet may be better -- although plant sterols and nuts are part of the Mediterranean diet, too."
But Milani is quick to note that the foods in the portfolio diet can be added to almost any healthy diet.
"What Jenkins and colleagues are saying is you can take these components and put them in any diet," Milani says. "It can be done -- inexpensively -- to get people's cholesterol under control."

Jenkins notes that cholesterol-lowering drugs have more side effects at high doses. He therefore suggests that the foods in the portfolio diet may help people get the most out of these drugs -- without increasing the dosage.

